General: A special world created
A world very complicated or very simple to. It all depends on how much of the world relinquishing one. Is it cost only a small part, we must take care of itself just to that part.
principle applies: you need you only really "cares" to make any part of the world, plays in your story (although it is not bad to have at least a rough idea of the rest of the world).
When you create a world is it very important what kind of writing her story. Everyone has an idea of a fantasy world and everyone has so his idea of what belongs in a science fiction world into it. I can (and will) be here not specified the details of such a world.
also on the nature of the story depends on whether you can bring in other races other than humans with. In a fantasy world you can for example, countless mythical creatures to bring (centaurs, harpies, sirens, Unicorns, trolls, dwarves), in a science fiction story you can even create your own self-breeds of aliens, just as you want.
If you are creating a world, of course you should you be aware of the nature. If the world is forested? Is it a great desert planet? Or is the earth and the sea level is only increased, so there are some floating cities because when the continents now the land is under there? The whole subject of your imagination.
As previously said it is really only necessary to know the exact part of the world or to develop that you only need for your story (also applies here: if you do not can remember every detail, write it on!). However, you should, as stated many times, zuindest have a rough idea of the rest. That never hurts.
What you should consider in any case that you adapt the world of your story. Sun would need a science-fiction story (I'm just assuming that space is there normal) also allow airports. Something you should always plan to.
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