Genre: Song Fiction / Song Story
A song fiction is a very popular genre has become. It binds to the text in the actual story. In general, the lyric of the song is highlighted a little bit (by writing it in italics and is used centered).
Whether the entire lyrics before (or after) the beginning of the story begins, or weaves, piece by piece in the story is left to the authors.
used a rule, the author of a song he / she just really like. A song fiction is so often also dependent on the current mood.
If you want to write a song fiction / story, you should make sure that the contents the story fits well with the song. So a bit sad to a song which also conveys a certain sadness and so on.
A Song Fiction is a very simple as I fide genre, because you get the kind of story defined by the song. You have only a small plot spinning around it (because so little song stories are one-shots). Why is genrell the same as for writing a normal story.
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