Saturday, November 20, 2010

Maplestory Private Server How To Dc Server

Nairobbery ............

the day begins with a typical English breakfast .....
james and were ed yesterday in the Nakumatt einkaufszentum and have "English food" concerned ....
with sausages, beans, toast and this gives then with scrambled eggs and soft ...... every one of our european community is even think about cooking, rinse and clean .......
then I start ever in my suitcase and tacshen to flush weed out the things that I need not now .....
next Saturday so I sit on the plane back after germany ........
rei in the tube, the soup, spices, sauces, and I leave the poles ... they're still traveling around the world ........
James, who mopped the same as me, wants to buy my unused spare parts .... and so migrate my brake pads front and rear, and the few 6203er radlager fundus in his ...
then I will visit this place of consumption ...
in the mall you can Nakumatt-buy everything the heart desires, from food to bicycle tires, to carpets and furnishings ....... if you have the dough to it ..... most foreign residents are white who spend their Sunday stroll ...
Moreover, I notice that here in the city proper security-mania is ....
most lands have high walls, broken glass balustrade on the tip in concrete and barbed wire snares are laid nato ...
at every major junction or round abouts are deployed armed policemen .....
better shops, office units and banks are guarded by civilian security men ....
has earned its nickname, the capital of Kenya .......... ........... Nairobbery in our camp sits an elderly German gentleman, who was spied withdraw money when the credit card. ....
spent money and visa card, he only in his front pants pocket and ..... mags hardly be believed, he still goes on like this with the public bus ...... attachment, crush, and a bunch of people make it a brazen unnoticed pickpocket money on this card and get ..... so and now he sits here for 3 weeks, waiting for his flight back to Germany already paid .......
even I do not feel very comfortable here ..... all on the road to watch me go for a while behind or beside me and see what I wear, and especially so everything dabeihab ... my backpack it seems to them more pleased to have ..... here alone at night on the streets is a no-go!!


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