Monday, January 31, 2011

Wart On Lip Dangerous

Imbolc - In honor of Brigid



Let me come to you through the mists
by the fire,
by plants,
through the deep springs of water,
with ideas,
with vision,
hear in words
with music, light as your ears.

Let me move,
you animate
encourage you - to explode
moves until your perspective
and body, mind and soul.

And you wonder
stand in the wake of your new insights ...
and feel that life is beautiful!

(From "Goddess whispers" by Amy Sophia Marashinsky)


Tomorrow, 1 February is the feast in honor of the goddess Brigid, it is also called Imbolc, which is the Celtic name. We know this day as Candlemas, which in many Catholic (mostly Bavarian) villages is still celebrated. Imbolc is also called the Moon Festival of winter and people and animals (my cat Shiva sniffed the flower greedy few minutes!) Then joyfully welcome the light that moves back into our lives and slowly brings the rest of nature to life.

The great themes of the now dawning February are the major cleaning and inspiration, especially to focus on the "right", your own way to . Make Hardly any other time is for energy as well as the part with his driving, strong force, which is pushing out, up. It is as if life is awakened from a deep, comfortable sleep and get all the ideas and desires that lurk deep within us now for perfection to a new beginning. Brigid is our support, our mentor, who provided us with generous power and energy and unleashed its fire our enthusiasm!

From the dark
Tender light
light comes
new view.
visions shine clear
passing through the clear
(Arunga Heiden)

new needs, however, place and space. What could be more natural than that the goddess Brigid us for assistance offers. It is to let the time past, and complete. What binds us to the still too much yesterday? What bonds prevent us from carrying our dreams? What inner chocks we draw to ourselves what we are attracted to others? What feelings do we leave the dark, cold winter power, of which, we now final free? What fears oppress us and stifle our thirst? Wowvon we want to free ourselves what we want to let go?

goddess Brigid supports all these process extremely helpful and makes us open to the themes of "letting go", "Great wall" and "change."

Many of us have been 1-2 weeks diligently on clearing out and re-sort. All these activities are now being reinforced in attack and it is time to focus on the essentials. "Less is more" that we should always remember this and act accordingly. All ballast limits us unnecessarily into our being and is a real burden. Away with all the superfluous, the only way we make room for new things! Only in a state of emptiness, we recognize our potential, because only then denied us anything the way to the essentials.

might like some, too (cleaning) ritual in honor of Brigid perform tomorrow?

I will personally conduct a clean-energy in the house, but I will use a special incense, which I bought for this purpose. I am here especially all corners "startle" me and loudly clapping and noticeable with the gong. :-) Furthermore, I will make even a small cleaning ritual for myself and then the beginning of February to continue to use decluttering and while many see indulge my thoughts and where they are driving me ...

Had you probably

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Midrin Versus Fiorocet

Wicked (Matinee with Jana Stelley)

Why OZ again?

I would not have thought I still would get the opportunity Jana Stelley experience as Glinda in the upper house!! Actually namely, they had their last Glinda-presentation in February 2009 in Stuttgart! Although it has helped out in recent months, even at a few shows (3 or 4?) In Oberhausen, because not all of the latest Glinda-cast for various reasons could play, but it was always too short to go there for me. This time the rumors were circulating a few days before and so I seized the opportunity and booked a ticket for today! The plan that was not because I've already tickets for Willemijn Derniere and even one for March and so slowly but surely songwriter sometimes good ... I am addicted to Wicked, but somewhere in my logs even quietly times the reason. But Jana I did not miss me anyway, so it had to be it!

applause, applause:)


Take me there not bad, if this report is very Jana heavy. I've already more than Wicked shows reported and there is already my seventh Idea was, I have to set priorities.
I start my report to the occupation so for once with her!

Glinda - Jana Stelley
Normally it seems to me mainly on the correct line-Elphaba, Glindas walk with me more so with ... Unless we are talking about Jana Stelley! I freely admit: it is clearly one of my favorite actresses! Even in support roles without a song content - like last year in Tecklenburg in West Side Story , or as a friend of the main character, as in Hairspray ! Jana really make it through their stage presence to draw all eyes on you! She sprays prior to the broadcast! Vocally, I like them very much too, but it is actually mainly cuts down their stage presence to me. So it was now the first time I've driven almost exclusively due to Glinda to Oberhausen. And I was not disappointed! Jana Glinda-like any-way, their very own style I especially liked her pantomime. With "No one mourns the Wicked" it was a good mix of sadness and joy played when she talks to the people that I missed (as was also Joana) goose bumps. Vocally she has absolutely Glinda the high tones and sounds on it while still very pleasant. Their entire role interpretation to me liked it very much, because it is both very quitschig and blonde way, but I know exactly the situations in which they show their true face has at times vulnerable. Not only, but particularly of course in "How wonderful", but also in smaller scenes. At the end of "How I am," she sounded and looked particularly emotional - I could swear that even a few little tears are rolling.
The final applause, she was back to the quierlige bundle of energy, enjoys the applause to the full. You have to love it easy:)

"Shout" - Jana as she lives and breathes:)

Elphaba - Willemijn Verkaik
I am animal Willemijn happy again to be allowed to do as a green witch. It blows me away every time the stool because it has an incredibly powerful voice and very expressive playing! It is clearly my Lieblingselphaba. However, I would never claim that it is the only one that can play this role. Now that I have seen a total of 5 Elphaba (Kerry Ellis and Ashleigh Gray in London, Melanie Gebhard, Willemijn and Sabrina Weckerlin in Oberhausen) I have to say Elphaba that each has some merit.
Vocally is clear to me that I do not like better than Willemijn. In the illustration, they are sometimes so different that I do not know exactly what part I like best interpretation.
Willemijn Elphaba is always dominated. She is a strong personality, but it avoids much to show their vulnerable side, even when one knows full well that it is there.
Sabrina's Elphaba was somehow different - somehow playful, soft, romantic - I just can not so in words, there are also only nuances.
For Melanie, however, I did in April 10 can not identify any truly "own" personality, which is, as I have seen them again in December, has changed greatly. Her dramatic increase has pleased me honest and confident.
why I "can say now, even without Willemijn you will not be able to escape the spell of the witch! And that's a good thing. Willemijn is still following its Derniere in February left a gap.

Fiyero - Anton Zetterholm
I got it for the first time on stage together with Willemijn seen. I would have thought that the age difference makes it more noticeable. Although I am of the opinion that the two are not the best pairing. Much better it fit to Sabrina's Elphaba. Still, he has also in combination with Willemijn fallen ill. I also had the feeling that Anton purely by getting better in the role!

Madame Morrible - Barbara Raunegger
magician - Carlo Lauber
Nessarose - Janna Yngwe
Dr. Dillamonth - Thomas Wissmann
Moq - Ben Darmanin

-> as in December (link -> here )

My Highlights:

's difficult to say what my Highlighs this afternoon ... At first I was totally flashed that Jana was actually in the bubble and have their own characteristics in me absorbed.
It has at the very beginning quite audibly ge "washed-washed" t and has said it out loud here. Identification of the rooms in your distribution was characterized my whole body use and orderly gequitsche. Prior to "beloved" she lay on her stomach on the bed and poured out with laughter and it would be almost fell off the bed. I found particularly funny definiv interaction with Elphaba. Elphaba aping their "Whoosh Whoosh" by - but her hair move for some reason not particularly strong. Then Glinda then totally puzzled and confused, "There's nothing you have to move but still practice." This was very authentic, like so many things. She did not even leave it at that Elphaba to paint the lips, but needed a bit of lipstick for themselves. That was very funny, as they simultaneously tried to sing with pursed lips.
was particularly strong way, and Anton's "Tarzan imitation" "Let go the Green" and the catfight was again super-funny! The audience went with it correctly. I think it was one of the shows with the best-humored audience before. Too bad that the little details I somehow immediately forget ... But I had already said last time I take a Notzblock with ... But when I was there to write in? Had to be so enthusiastic enough to do it!
I had several times that night again creeps. Especially up at Willemijn high, full, expressive tones (The Wizard and I, Defying Gravity and all other ^ ^) and again in "The Wicked Witch of the East" - as always ... And emotional highlights like "How I am." I say yes, I had the feeling that the two witches were built, especially near the water - I was there in any case!

It has again paid off greatly to throw reason overboard and to go into the land of OZ enchant and to let galindafizieren this time especially:)

My Wicked further reports

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Community Service Letters For The Courts



humility for life.

And gratitude for life with my loved ones!

deeply moved I saw today evening at the Star TV interview with Barbara Pacheco-Eberhart, author of "Four minus three" that certainly yes many already know. Many of the audience fought back tears, I let my home on the couch free run. In the summer, at some point I read from this terrible fate in a magazine and what has made woman-Eberhart Pachl out of it and I've had immediately bought the book. Range Traut I have not but then not, I'll do it now!

stories like this make me always remember this very painful that nothing in life is self-evident and should not be. Much too often we forget, unfortunately, just that it seems to ...

And I also had to immediately think back to another television report, which I had seen in December and the I also very, very touched and had taken along. It was the story about Susan, her husband and her child Norbert Benedict. Susan suffered during the birth of a pulmonary embolism Benedict and falls into a vegetative state ... More information about the family here.

both reports make me very thoughtful and terribly sad.

I feel, however, a very large, an enormous gratitude for the love of my life!

Does Drinking Beer Cause Gallbladder Attacks

Preview: Cast in Tecklenburg 2011

Whit Gala, 13.6.2011

Under the theme "Musical meets Pop" shall also be held this year again the annual Whit Tecklenburger Gala. Traditionally, the schonmal before some of the actors that will be available during the summer in one of the two pieces ( Crazy for You and Jesus Christ Superstar ) on the outdoor stage. But other musical values are back in the action and rock on Whit Monday the castle ruins.

is also gepopmusicalt 2011:)

Who is it?

- Jan Ammann
- Patrick Stanke *
- Pia Douwes
- Sabrina Weckerlin
- Marc Clear *
- Marc Seitz *
- Sascha Th.G. Cancer
- Anne Welte *
- Filipina Hennoch *

* also Crazy for You or Jesus Christ Superstar here ...

Cast Summer Musicals 2011

(Premiere on 25/06/2011) are
following Actor announced:

  • Marc Seitz (WSS) as Bobby Child,
  • Filipina Enoch (Fiddler on the Roof, Anything Goes) as Polly Baker,
  • Reinhard Brussmann (Boniface) and Everett,
  • Mathias Schlung (shoe Manitou) as Bela Zangl,
  • Bettina Mönch (Producers) as Irene
Also starring: Anne Welte, Iris Werlin, Frank Winkels, Peter struggles and the great revue quilted ensemble along with the chorus of outdoor games.

(the German version) will start on 29 July 2011.

But in Tecklenburg is unfortunately rather classic :) *
  • Patrick Stanke (Titanic, Aida, 3 Musketeers, Buddy) and Jesus
  • Mischa Mang (JCS) as Judas
  • Femke Soetenga (3 musketeer, Jekyll & Hyde , CATS) and Mary Magdalene,
  • Marc Clear (Mozart, 3 Musketeers) as Pilate,
  • Tom Tucker (Notre Dame) as Kaiphas,
  • Stefan Poslovski (10 Gebote, 3 Musketeers) and Annas ,
  • Stores Frank (The Full Monty) as Peter.
  • Adrian Becker Herod
  • Thomas Hohler (Three Musketeers, Elizabeth) as Simon Zelotes

I'm looking sooooooo so :))))
First Tecklenburg is easily accessible for me, plus I have some the actors already there and / or seen elsewhere and can only say - Hammer cast! And the outdoor stage of course, has its very special atmosphere anyway.

* Photo

Here is the link to the source
Musical Meets Pop - Whit Gala

my posts on "Tecklenburg"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Subliminal Messages On Icarly

The three? Vollplaybacktheater: The Karpatenhund, Bielefeld

So I think here I must explain a bit more in advance, right? First it's a bit off topic, given that, this show is not a musical ... Or maybe? I remember in grade singing and dancing nuns fish ... But I getting ahead of myself and that should not be done!
So: first: What is a Vollplaybacktheater? Or should I have to start earlier? Should I be ...

Who are "The Three Investigators"?
Since it is useful to draw the famous business card that has any impact their performance:

This is a youth book series, and since the late 70s and and especially to radio play-cult! I think those who have never heard of, who should be ashamed to sit down now and into the corner and was probably just bad luck! In any event, the radio plays for more than 30 years, enjoying great popularity and there are now over 140 episodes and there are more and more! In each episode, the three detectives solve the most interesting and usually somewhat mysterious cases. Justus is the thick hose Meier, Peter Rabbit and the sporty fear Bob reluctant.
I think target by no more young people are, but 99.9% of listeners, that the, are now only grown on the cassettes and CDs underage junior detectives. So 20-40 people (like me). I myself have heard the tapes as a child - then not for a while and now discovered for a good 10 years. There is not anything better than "with the boys to go to bed") -> So with the cassette ........!!!
As I said, I'm not alone! The live-readings of the original speakers are sold out completely and also for Vollplaybacktheater have to be pretty fast, because here too there is nothing in zero time-out of cards!

So we come now to the question I've already made up:

What can you imagine your "Full Playback Theatre"?
Uah declare a challenge that ... No, I steal time from our friends from Wikipedia:

The Vollplaybacktheater is in a kind of comedy show is the sound from audio cassettes lip-sync as a play by without speaking actresses and actors themselves a word. It quotes from other radio plays as well as film, radio and television in the color template into it-or even two completely different radio plays to a new story to be edited together.
serve as a sound model most episodes of the popular radio drama series "The Three Investigators." But TKKG and John Sinclair were taken from the oblique theater group on stage.
Say: It is all pulled his leg and is what comes out: a lot of fun! I the VPT have seen for the first time in 2001. At that time the Special Episode 100 - "The Island of the Dead". It was followed by "The Super Parrot 'and' Our Stolen Ranch" a few years later (In between there were other pieces, but those are the ones I've seen ...).

latest coup band from Wuppertal:
The Three Investigators and the Carpathian dog!
And just this piece I looked at myself in Bielefeld! Now of course the question is how much one can and should be spoilers ...
Betrayed may be that in addition to the actual Episode 3 of course also have many other effects are incorporated and also guest appearances 'Join right foot forward, left leg, "by John Sinclair (- or lack anderesrum ??!?) or TKKG not allowed. There are other TV and movie hits was stolen and plenty of mixed wild. Is it true that Peter looks like Rocky? And what really happened in the pool, emerged as Justin in his underwear after Kapartenhund? Who killed the wicked witch and what happened when the detectives found in the church on a bunch of nuns? Questions, questions ... and many a priest has, unfortunately, just answers here ...
But enough of the allusions - The play certainly was again very entertaining. Most of the gags were very well placed. The scenery and props (including film clips) and not least the Many costumes were once again great and have helped many a joke only to wit, as well as the facial expressions of the actors: Unbeatable Peter Shaw's "puzzled looks."
Justus is thick, Peter is stupid and Bob is just in the library:)

My new button:)

course, the figures VERY shown exaggerated. It is a blend of parody and homage (somewhere I read that and think it fits).

The audience
I had the feeling that the audience Bielefeld took a little time to get involved in the piece - probably were some full playback newcomers here. Anyway, I'm beginning already experienced improved mood, even if a lot of laughter and applause. Towards the end of the first act and then the entire second act on, and especially in the encore, the audience was fantastic. I think many Ostwestfalen just need a bit! Finally gabs much gossip but neat, cheers and Fußgetrappel - which I think is always very nice! For my part I have tears of laughter!

I did it again mislead a lot of fun. After "The Super parrot" this was the best episode the boys and the girls from VPT have brought to the stage. Who loves the three question marks (you should already know to understand a little about some jokes) and not life too seriously, you should let the fun go by no means through the cracks. The Wuppertal have a blast! Great! I thought again want more!

Finally, a few links

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do You Migrate In Soul Silver

Grease, Dusseldorf

A wop ba-ba lu-be-a wop bam boom!

Grease is definitely a feel-good musical. I like the music and the movie I watch a lot. On stage, I had previously seen two times. Once when it was on tour in 2002 and then again as an amateur production in the home theater. After such a long time and because a good offer, it was really time again for "Rydell High".

The Capitol Theatre in Dusseldorf

to content of the piece you have to say probably not much - the film with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John is probably pretty well known. Also on stage is implemented similarly. As always, it's a little overexcited, but holds many laughs and a few hits at hand.
The piece is a total of only about 2 hours, which is rather short by today's conditions. But I am a 2-hour play is entertaining rather than one where you constantly looks at the clock and hope that it will soon be over (though I rather not in this situation was ^ ^)

Theatre / Our courts
We were there on a day on which there was a 2:1 range. That means we have got the card for half price. Nevertheless, the theater was not exactly at full capacity. We sat in the 6th Series side, but we still remained some series almost completely free so we could move forward after the break, almost to the very front. Both places had its advantages. I always enjoyed sitting close to the stage to watch the facial expressions of the actors may well. But I have to say that just in Grease also some more "back" not bad are often as much the same happened on the stage and you can understand better with some distance.
The mood was generally - despite only half-filled theater - had quite good and the audience seemed to have enjoyed the show. I've already experienced and thunderous final applause, many people were sitting - but overall I had the impression that everyone was very pleased with the show.

The sets / costumes etc.
I found the stage set and the scenery very consistent. The orchestra or in this case probably the band had their place on a gallery above the stage, but was most of the time hidden by a curtain. Since I have only the comparison with the tour production and me after all these years can not really remember, I want to do with not even compare the first place. The scenes were supported by a good set design and excellent Requiesite. The costumes super abducted in the 50s and fit. Only the wigs looked into my eyes sometimes a bit cheap (especially the extremely shiny blond hair wigs some girls). The boys wore rather then human hair comparison, which I really liked.

It was clearly the evening of the 2nd Occupations. Somehow has hardly played a role, which he otherwise and it was a colorful cast carousel. But that should not always be a disadvantage. Although I would love Lars Redlich seen as Danny, as he has pleased me very well in Hairspray, but also on his "spare" I was very excited ...

Riccardo Greco - Danny
Kennickie Normally he plays, but this time he stood on stage as Danny and made my opinion a really good figure. Vocally he has pleased me much better than I would have previously expected. In fairness, I must say I want him to date only from the talent show of Tarzan and Jane knew and when he had not convinced me much. But since there is a lot of time has passed and maybe give him some roles are better than others. Anyway, he has positively surprised me, because I found him really well.

Karen Selig - Sandy
Also second Cast (actually plays Marty), but since I do not know the first cast, I'm definitely not missing it too! has a really nice voice. I liked their songs as much Sandy! Especially her "Sandra D. Reprise" gave me goose bumps.

Isabel Dan - Rizzo
Rizzo is basically one of my favorite roles in the play and I liked Isabel dramatically and vocally very good. "There are worse things i could do" was one of my highlights of the evening. (This will also Rizzo actually played by someone else)

Honegger Tino - Play Kennickie
actually Sonny, but also has the Kennickie it. Although he had not many vocal parts (especially because he can sing in Grease Lightning Riccardo - which was not on really, but it was still a bit of a shame) But he was definitely a feast for the eye and I liked especially well theatrically !

Thomas Klotz, Christoph Jonas and Christopher Bolam - Roger, Sonny and Doody
were all 3 and for their rolls made (Although Sonny - you guessed - was 2 busy). Their solos were perfect and theatrically there is nothing to complain about! I liked all 3 very happy! Grade simply transfer songs such as "Those Magic Changes" and "Mooning" are for me real catchy.

Omri Schein - Eugene
Toller Eugene. I've seen so far only the role with large, gangly nerds busy. Here (oh - the main cast ^ ^), it was a short, pudgy little horn glasses. I thought it was great - he has brought over the right mood

Jasmin Mauter -. Patty + Suzana Novosel - Mrs. Linch
times I grab both together, because although both acts have very role justice, but I had some annoying little too exaggerated. This is certainly a matter of taste.

Matthias Bollwerk - Vince / Teen Angel
should actually play Kennickie, but then he had to stand in for anyone, or anyone else for anyone ... , usually plays .... not?? I climb slowly no longer ... It really is no matter: Matthias Bollwerk - Vince as he had much to say, but playing little - What little he has done well. As a Teen Angel I like it great! I like his voice like and it fits very well into the Fiftys ... :)

just occurs to me that it really matter what I write on the cast, since it it - should you watch you Grease - probably almost all other roles will ... ;
I now tell time in general: They were all fantastic and I have the greatest respect, that most of the cast the other roles of the play as well have it, that no notice that was cheerfully replaced!

My conclusion of the evening: The show and the music are just fun. I'm not flashed, as I am partly to other musicals. In my personal feel-good musical Hitlist Grease is definitely from Hairspray or Legally Blonde into the second, but I had a really enjoyable evening and so every now and then something "Rydell High" never hurts:)

Mario Salieri Sales On Line

filth & ornaments

The first flower of the year are always the most beautiful thing there is not right? :-)

I am currently full of verve and energy, rooms from here to brush out of here and throw that away above all very very very much! Yesterday I got boxes of old (blue + red + gold! * Scary *) Christmas decoration cleared out and love today already driven two suits at the dump. * Cough * Ahem. No, we do not live in the garbage! Do we at least! But apparently accumulated in the 3 years since the last move it a lot and especially the basement is like a pit full of garbage ... * * Soifz So I also do a few more days!

Somehow all this but also very liberating and I firmly believe that this type of ballast is somehow equated with the physical burden. Inside and out, wait, eh. :-) One of my favorite books then comes again into play: "Feng Shui for the junk of everyday life". At that time, the beginning of my training as a Feng Shui consultant! Meanwhile, there are also some other good books on these subjects, "all too much" and "The rubbish diet" are two great guide, which can be very helpful.

Hmmmmmmm. And coming soon then hopefully my new shelf! * Cheering *

And yesterday I finally came time to my latest to photograph pride and achievement! I'm at the lovely Eva of "Home & Living two of the 3-arm chandelier from House Doctor in antique silver bought and looking forward dolle all about it! I find the parts pretty crazy and I'm sneaking a long time all around. Now I have to stand here and find it soooooooo beautiful! Am particularly happy about the fact that there are now also available in silver, which I like better than brass and the white flowers are more than as I wish the rose-colored. Thanks again to Eve, so that I could have the two as quickly and easily!

Great detail, right?

Oh, and the so nicely wrapped package is a book by Simone from the "residential barn . I think that looks so lovely and decorative, I have not unpacked habs, but it currently adorns my kitchen table. :-)

So your loved ones, I still have little what to do, so let's do it!

Had you well!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Immunization Records Ontario Ca

Back in everyday

So here I am again!

back from Hamburg.

And as always, I need a little longer quite so again in the here and now to come and all my many impressions and experiences to sort ...

It was wonderful, invigorating and inspiring days at the same!
The beloved and I had 4 carefree, happy days, filled with great businesses, shopping dream fulfillment, pleasures of the table and all sorts of other delights.

highlight was of course the Saturday night visit to "The Lion King" ! Oh, highlight, which really was the absolute culmination and impossible to describe in words! This wonderful flood of images in my head that will certainly accompany me for a long, long time and the memories turn is a king! Who has the chance to watch this musical, which do the aollte necessarily think it's really spectacular, and as a tale from a different world!

Magical again was the visit to Steffen Henssler in this 5 course I'll still long dream and now - has since begonnnen the active weight loss phase! - No doubt still dream about a thing or two times more of ... :-) From the food, of course, what else? :-))) So, too, an absolute recommendation, no question!!

at all - we have all the days of eating only really outstanding, it was quite amazing, but will be very fussy and quite demanding. But no matter whether a snack in the Asia- Bistro, Soup at "Kaiser weather" , the organic breakfast, with fish in the romantic pilot house or the vegetarian Indian - all easily accessible only delicious, unbelievable! * Drools *

Well, there were of course "The living sibling conquered! And that was just total deeeeeeeeeeer Oberhammer! Because (I had hoped for something somehow, but hardly dared to think!) Where we were finally find something in terms of dining room bookcase! Yeah! Super nice! White! Old! Great! But not deep. Made for us! * Cheering * Has only one drawback: If in Hamburg! * Laughs * Well then, unfortunately, not as the right discount on it still pretty much transport costs, but no matter - this thing is ours and is the next 10 days here! Hurrah! Finally !!!!!

And as if that were not enough, we discovered there also our chandelier and a lot of other stuff, but fortunately had all the groooooooßen trunk space! :-) So now is again "soon" was renovated (new ceiling in the dining room) and then hopefully everything allerfeinst, then when the new shelf is here! Hach! I'm so excited! :-)

Hach, I'm not a lucky guy! :-)

brave And I'm also - yesterday and today NULL chocolate and candy! * Myself * knock on the shoulder

Had you well, dear ones!


PS: I lieeeeeeebe Hamburg !!!!!!! :-)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Centerpiece Ideas With Petals

Jekyll & Hyde, Hamm (Tour)

was Friday, it finally happened. A ticket, which was already on my shelf since early August, could be finally redeemed.
I was really looking forward to the tour production of Jekyll & Hyde.
When I bought the ticket, only Yngve Gasoy-Romdal stood for the dual role of Jekyll / Hyde fixed. Only gradually have more details to fill known and it promised to be a very interesting evening.
Jekyll & Hyde is clearly one of the pieces where everything is possible. Everything rises and falls with the staging and the cast and production on the tour after the launch there were very different opinions. However, it is always wise to make his own picture. In this case it was the right decision.
I'm starting so happy with the conclusion and this time it was: a successful show and terrific performer.

short on content:
I'm assuming that many of the story to know Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, but for everyone else here is a brief summary.
The scientist Dr. Henry Jekyll has found a way how to separate the good in people from evil, but he is forbidden this product on a foreign people to test. You take his theories seriously and not just his friend and lawyer John Utterson and his fiancée Lisa Carew keep him. Jekyll realizes that he - to help the human race, start their own experiment must. After the capture of the agent, he transforms into his "evil side", a dark figure, which he called himself Edward Hyde and guided by instincts and desire to kill a disturbance. He murdered by the high society and makes the life of the prostitute Lucy hell. Jekyll tries to stop the madness, but loses more and more control and influence on the changes in end to everything in a disaster.

Holla the forest fairy ... Everyone should know that Jekyll & Hyde is not a piece for small children, but there are certainly toned down versions of the play. This is clearly not one of them! Quite the contrary. Both the brothel scenes, as well as murder or violence is not just splitting hairs. But not only highly suggestive and violent parts would in my view, an age restriction justify - the whole piece is rather dark and sometimes even quite scary and therefore more likely not for the faint of heart. I myself found the reaction fascinating. For grade through the adult may not be quite the piece of scenes and the presentation was very intense. Especially the roles of Hyde and Lucy have also given another pepper and the actors were sometimes really show what they can do. was reinforced
the great staging Duch many, very appropriate lighting effects and a coherent set. My compliments!

music / songs
Normally, you do not say so much - each of the CD (s) Jekyll & Hyde to know (I recommend the English total intake), knows that the piece includes great titles. Difficult to choose highlights. That evening there was at least an entire series. Too many to mention them all separately.
A few words to translate, because here are the ghosts. Many songs (not all) have been newly translated. Content in everything remains as it was, but often were found for other words - whether the texts were better now? No idea. I would say neither better nor worse but different.
On most egregious was "ran Creates the men" on the change in the original, the now simply "her men" means. Here I must say that I do on stage but was brilliant - in fact one of my highlights - but secretly I'm the original text sung in the head. "I tell her men - so the fun begins - I'll find that it sounds a bit wooden. However, the performance was anything but that and for that reason the text was of secondary importance:). Later more!
'm very pleased I am with a song from Lisa that I said in the English version of "Jekyll & Hyde Resurrection CD" (---> Link: here) knew and now translated into German was: Could you understand you (original "If You Only Knew").

degrees because of the new translation of the inserted song and it would be really great if there would be a CD production for the tour!

sound and orchestra were in Hamm really good (-it was a short micro-loss, but that lasted about 2 seconds and really need to mention not) - on a tour but it does little to praise the sound now , because that is theater-dependent.

Actually, I will report a bit long and I had thought, leave this point, but if I notice something, then it would get out ... Therefore, very briefly, I found it very interesting that all costumes in high society were scuffed and dirty, while the whores costumes clean and "new" had ... All facade and nothing is as it seems! Great idea! (Only Lisa's wedding dress was clean and neat: But Lisa is at the end, too above it all and seen the Jekyll Hyde behind the facade ...).

terrific cast
I'm going to just another of the actors in detail. Before, I would like to mention yet that each role to the smallest detail was well cast and all the actors very well with each other and made the ensemble a great impression.

Jekyll / Hyde - Yngve Gasoy-Romdal
Wow! I'm blown away. The Yngve and I had a bad start, because I hold him to the Mozart CD was so terrible. But since he impressed me churning increases and higher on the ladder. The dual role is probably one of the most challenging roles that are there, and Yngve they played brilliantly. As Jekyll, I particularly liked his interaction with Leah and Lisa, and his despair and fear in the second part of the play. And as nasty Hyde he showed what he has on it (I wanted to write it, "what is in it", but that would be the wrong word, because I very much hope that not too much Hyde is in it * scary *). This role is related to everything. Curiosity, hope, love, joy, depends, despair, cruelty, lust, madness, fear ... Yngve and to which each facet satisfaction dar. It must be terrible hard, particularly towards the end -. To switch from one personality to another but he does it very skillfully We know in a split second "who" stands before you. Initially, Jekyll and Hyde differ mainly by a change in voice and through his hair, combed back severely at the Jekyll, Hyde, however, confused at the head stick out (no wig! thumbs up !!!). But in the end find the transformations take place in such rapid succession that for Hair Styling no time left. Does not matter. Even with tangled hair can be recognized by voice and facial expressions immediately desperate, frightened Jekyll, who transforms himself again in no time in the cruel, mad and destructive Hyde. Very, very impressive.
vocals makes him even a little bit. His voice is really something special and I think it's a matter of taste whether you like it or not, but the fact is: he top hats. He sings with an ease the craziest sounds:)
So from me for this evening: Full marks!

Lucy Harris - Sabrina Weckerlin
I call it from Lisa, because I was very impressed especially Sabrina. Who would have thought that it would be such an excellent Lucy? Sabrina is one of the actresses that I like already very happy that I am surprised I won again and again positive thing. The same here!
Sabrina has an incredible stage presence. Their first appearance in the play they had with "her men" and suggested the same one like a bomb. It has the song (and also the role) expanded a little and could rightly and fortunately, for here Sabrina shine properly. First
they sang behind a curtain, leaving only their shadow was seen. Very sexy and lascivious. Then she came to the fore and was Jekyll and John put on the table, settled by the ensemble at the hands of men who has been turned on its head and sang upside down with legs apart. I say yes - children would have been out of place ^ ^. Every note was perfect, what was with the choreography almost almost surprising. The song was despite textual changes is an absolute highlight. Much longer than usual, much more daring and absolutely fantastic!
Also in addition, could Sabrina impress vocally and dramatically. The interaction with Jekyll and Hyde was incredibly intense, with "a dangerous game" gradezu ... yes, exactly: ^ ^ dangerous. The role of Lucy
includes many different facets. Of hope over fear and despair to compassion. And like Yngve Sabrina skillfully uses all of these facets. It has earned the thunderous final applause honestly. So far, by far the best I've seen Lucy!

Lisa Carew - Leah Delos Santos
The role of Lisa is vocally quite classically designed, what I - as mentioned many times before - not like so much. But Leah has as Lisa dropped me very well. She sings even more classic, sounds in my ears, but very pleasant and will never be "squeaky". Außderm it fit visually and dramatically very well in the role. Their interaction with Yngve was very impressive. That they are also privately support a pair like that have definitely gave Jekyll & Lisa from a very harmonious picture.

John Utterson - Christoph Goetten
Very solid performance. As John Utterson me Chris really enjoyed. Both vocally and theatrically. I like me but honestly not imagine how he as a Jekyll / Hyde is because he is the understudy. As I said - as John, he was good, but just the many scenes he had with Yngve show, but clearly why this is the main occupation.

Sir Danvers Carew - Reinhard Brussmann
disturbed I am always a little rolling at its R, but this is really wailing on the highest level. Reinhard Brussmann is a gifted singer. I'm concerned, he could still have a lot more parts. He has pleased me very well! More like this!

you hear it already out in everything I write: So I need not mention probably have added that the piece I was terrific, right? Is it a worthwhile tour program!
pity that in the individual cities are not a few more ideas. The ! Sure you can watch more often

you buy the program - it's great: There are a lot of info and great stage pictures - and for only 3,50 €. Of these, many a stage production should be cut once a proper disc!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gerber Grin Giggles Baby Wash


Yeah, I'm a bookworm - always! This month, just a little more than usual, respecting the colors, but "a color in the title of" the monthly topic of "The minority reading" .

Black Dagger also! * Wide grin *

Black Dagger by JR Ward

Volume 12 was that I swallowed the last 3 nights ... * Cough *

Black Dagger is addictive. Black Dagger are vampire stories for girls. But are very, very big girl, as the successful series of author-heroes are real sex beasts and the description of the scene is very erotic and painted vividly ... So nothing for Bella and Edward fans because the Brotherhood of the Black Dagger are different, they are:

"Dark, sexy, irresistible" Black Dagger 'is addictive! "

It continues thus with Volume 13! :-)))

My conclusion: If you like to loose, light bite hot vampire stories like - read, read! :-)

It starts with Volume 1 - Black Dagger "night hunting"

No Fog Shower Mirror Spray


Blue green r yellow as by Anna Light

And boredom is more boring than senselessness. * Yawn *

Granted - the Title appealed to me, which I found funny, I was thinking it immediately to the color theme of reading blogs, but unfortunately this book was not my case. There was so little my case I have given up exactly on page 50 then. I was all one track to funny to put on and too much from the life of the two main characters. No, this is one of the few books that I have not finished reading and disappointed down the side.

The two best friends are both unhappy in their own way with life and how well the genre "Naughty Women" * * corresponds wuahhhhh, it is possible with self-deprecating and massive exaggerations then frustrated by being reported. They probably break both still and turn the whole chaos that is called life, the back, but so far I have not even kept up. These scenarios of "All-the-go wrong-can-go-wrong-* I do not like to laugh so much and I really can not. Maybe I'm out but already some years on the target group. :-)

My conclusion: If you can confidently on the shelf

blue is green than yellow - by Anna Light

PS: Who's would still like to read - I give away like short message is sufficient here in the blog! :-)

Wording For 3 Year Old Birthday Invitation

No commitment on Wednesday. 2

I am glad you today for the second time my project "confession on Wednesday" reveal . :-) And of course I am again very very curious about your responses and look forward to your participation! You may also like to use a link in the comments to you, then I guarantee nothing escapes. :-)

So, off we go, now the subject:

all current

PS: Your sweet, I would I still sincerely thank you for the two great awards !!!!!
I snatch the morning, do not worry! Unfortunately, today and tomorrow am still pretty much in the time stress because we probably go to Hamburg tomorrow night, but I have tomorrow another four hours before my hair appointment ... I'm writing yet! :-)

No. 1 Where are you watching:
home in my office

No. 2 three things that draw you right now without getting up, can:
first Cat Treats
second Teacup
third Hand Cream

No. 3 your favorite shoes:
This crazy great, super comfortable, true to size and totschicke boots from DUO!
Oops! The tip for women with strong calves! Is!

No. 4 your favorite scents:
first Red Oud "2 Montale
"Gesture" of Humiecki & Graef
third "Pulp" by BYREDO

No. 5 three dishes that you can cook without thinking:
first Sweet Coconut Dal
second Pumpkin soup with garlic croutons
third Wintry roasted vegetables

No. 6 What languages do you speak:
first English (goes above)
second Traditional italian (speak very well not even write)
third Turkish (Used to be very good, now for lack of exercise not sooooo dolle)

No. 7 What languages do you like to be able würdcst:
first English
second Japanese

No. 8 magazines that you read regularly:
second Living & More
third Sensa

No. 9 Your Favorite game:
first Settlers of Catan
second Carcassone
third Simply brilliant

No. 10 A television program that you regularly watch:
None. For years we had no TV and I can at any time without very good!

So your loved ones, since your turn! :-)))


PS: Your sweet, a thousand thanks for the two awards, I'll still catch me tomorrow! 'm Just a little time in stress, as we probably go tomorrow night after Hamburg and tomorrow but I have a 4 hour hair appointment before me, and still must do a lot ... Sign me yet !!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hiv Testing At 30 Days

Preview: Wicked, Once, WSS and other messages


Musical The center reports what many have already guessed. Willemijn Verkaik follows in autumn "Wicked" in the Netherlands and will play there (in the Circus Theater in Scheveningen), the role of Elphaba.
Other occupations:
Glinda - Chantal Janzen (Jane Tarzan in the Dutch production)
Morible Madame (Madame Morrible dtsch) - Pamela Teves

Once - The Broadway Musical

There seems to be really serious. At states that for the "Vermusicalung" collected the low-budget film success "Once " a creative team. First, there will seem to place pre-Broadway workshop and then maybe a Broadway show in the fall of 2011. Cast details are not yet known.
In the Film is about a street musician in Dublin (Glan Hansard), who dreams of a musical career while he was in his father's vacuum cleaner repair shop. One day he meets a young pianist (Markéta Irglová) who sells flowers on the street. Together they take on his first record. It is a film about the love of music and the life of a great soundtrack ("Say it to me now", "Falling Slowly") and a big heart and was convinced, despite lower production costs to an unexpected success. I think it will be interesting to right!

West Side Story, Magdeburg

From the end of February, in Magdeburg again Gergen / Struppeck staging included "West Side Story" at the Opera House Magdeburg.
Tony, Christian Alexander Müller (Phantom of the Opera, Musical Tenors -> Click here )
Maria plays Julie Martin du Theil
reef - Korbinian Arendt
Anita - Vasiliki Roussi / Sigrid Brandstetter (already WSS, Tecklenburg -> Click here )

Source: Center offers musical
