Let me come to you through the mists
by the fire,
by plants,
through the deep springs of water,
with ideas,
with vision,
hear in words
with music, light as your ears.
Let me move,
you animate
encourage you - to explode
moves until your perspective
and body, mind and soul.
And you wonder
stand in the wake of your new insights ...
and feel that life is beautiful!
(From "Goddess whispers" by Amy Sophia Marashinsky)

Tomorrow, 1 February is the feast in honor of the goddess Brigid, it is also called Imbolc, which is the Celtic name. We know this day as Candlemas, which in many Catholic (mostly Bavarian) villages is still celebrated. Imbolc is also called the Moon Festival of winter and people and animals (my cat Shiva sniffed the flower greedy few minutes!) Then joyfully welcome the light that moves back into our lives and slowly brings the rest of nature to life.
The great themes of the now dawning February are the major cleaning and inspiration, especially to focus on the "right", your own way to . Make Hardly any other time is for energy as well as the part with his driving, strong force, which is pushing out, up. It is as if life is awakened from a deep, comfortable sleep and get all the ideas and desires that lurk deep within us now for perfection to a new beginning. Brigid is our support, our mentor, who provided us with generous power and energy and unleashed its fire our enthusiasm!
From the dark
Tender light
light comes
new view.
visions shine clear
passing through the clear
(Arunga Heiden)
new needs, however, place and space. What could be more natural than that the goddess Brigid us for assistance offers. It is to let the time past, and complete. What binds us to the still too much yesterday? What bonds prevent us from carrying our dreams? What inner chocks we draw to ourselves what we are attracted to others? What feelings do we leave the dark, cold winter power, of which, we now final free? What fears oppress us and stifle our thirst? Wowvon we want to free ourselves what we want to let go?
goddess Brigid supports all these process extremely helpful and makes us open to the themes of "letting go", "Great wall" and "change."
Many of us have been 1-2 weeks diligently on clearing out and re-sort. All these activities are now being reinforced in attack and it is time to focus on the essentials. "Less is more" that we should always remember this and act accordingly. All ballast limits us unnecessarily into our being and is a real burden. Away with all the superfluous, the only way we make room for new things! Only in a state of emptiness, we recognize our potential, because only then denied us anything the way to the essentials.
might like some, too (cleaning) ritual in honor of Brigid perform tomorrow?
I will personally conduct a clean-energy in the house, but I will use a special incense, which I bought for this purpose. I am here especially all corners "startle" me and loudly clapping and noticeable with the gong. :-) Furthermore, I will make even a small cleaning ritual for myself and then the beginning of February to continue to use decluttering and while many see indulge my thoughts and where they are driving me ...
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