This blog is based on the detailed report to Setlist Oberhausen on ... 1st Report finds her here
Suddenly, I am floating so - up somewhere ....
Oh dear ... If I am totally caught up, stupid grin and 7th want to see heaven, it looks even know if you spot me on a musical Tenors concert ...
It was another dream!
The Philharmonic in Filderstadt Although far from the atmosphere of the Ebert bath. If only because it conveys, as a multi-purpose building something cool one basic idea. Even with the stage set, the organizers have done a disservice, because everything was left extremely heavy. Even people the maps of the middle seats had sat more on the sidelines while you had a right (in my opinion, rather than liquid) screen in front of the nose.
But all is forgotten when heard the first bars of "Limelight" and the boys enter the stage. It took not a second to put myself in the said state of suspense!
It was so awesome the concert with a couple of weeks to experience break to the shows in Oberhausen again and also funny to see the reaction of the public who had seen the show yet for the most part, because even the most "surprises" and gags already knew.
I was also at the 3rd sometimes even good about things like the beginning of "Maria" entertaining. Just the facial expressions of the boys in many songs ... indescribable!
Most of the songs have touched me very well again. On one or two ballads I could have done without, perhaps, but can very many songs I sat spellbound in my chair and was blown away. In the mood songs I'd prefer chapped and my feet had to bob:)))
I'm really glad that we took the long journey to us and were able to experience that again!!
The mood in Filderstadt was great! But, there was hardly standing ovation ... that has irritated me a little, because more than a tenor himself would have deserved after his solo! We are always bravely stood up when we felt a standing ovation would be due. Man it does not have to exaggerate, but when Christian sings the Phantom, really should get up more than 10 people! It is in this role, the hammer! Stuttgart self-Liebling Jan has given his "insatiable greed" are only part of the audience to stand up - It literally gives the next one!! I thought that was a pity. But as I said - otherwise the audience is again gone along really well. Did clap along, flipped and cheered! Great! So desires it to an audience:)
Before Patrick's first solo he got from the other three tenors first warbled Happy Birthday. He: "With such things can not even compute, on a day * grin * - finds you well Is there someone in the room is under 30?" * Giggling * "Mpf ..." ;-)
I had the feeling that he was particularly good that night on it. The others also - watch it again just made sooo much fun they are having fun ... Hopefully that will never routine! The guys are just such a blast!
a special guest there was not this time, perhaps because the weather conditions? No idea. .
was therefore "Vivo per lei" played as the last song before the break and "I believe in you" did not
to "Kisses for me" there was a pre-Christmas surprise - unlike in Oberhausen, were not the guys with hats and glasses on stage, but Nicholas had caps on. Jan from the head wobble saw particularly funny because he always Bommel from left to right and threw back ... We had total fun in this presentation. The boys are always good for a surprise!
Jan Ammann and Patrick Stanke |
This evening I liked especially Patrick (surprise, surprise) and Jan and Chris has put ne scoop on it - from time to time he convinced me more! Very nice voice and very expressive when he sings (music of the night - I never liked it and am quite crazy about it!). Even his shy nature is really nice. Mark - well .... It fits great in the group and makes a great show. His solo ballads have me back but not convinced. Too much gesturing - too much * sorry * tearjerker.
But as mentioned often enough: only together they are the Musical Tenors! And in this Composition, they should continue to do the same. Everything fits perfectly:)
Whatever is planned for the future ... It should be said here and now: change is not necessary! Show perfect - perfect guys!
The distribute autographs after the show was a joke!
We had a gift for Patrick there and spoke briefly with him. But his and Mark's questions about the gift we could not answer, unfortunately, because we are not very friendly Filharmonieangestellten of stalls and weitergejagd were equal. The Tenors were standing behind the cloakroom counter and all the people with autographs were tuned smuggled past because there was hardly a personal word possible and felt after 5 minutes had the four again already, though still waiting for some viewers, and then empty-handed. As in Oberhausen you could tell that the guys were uncomfortable having to go back so quickly and that they would have been happy for a while.
Sure, after the concert we went straight on to Vienna. was already evident that they could not stay for hours, but saved since in the show are two songs, one would have at least this time the autograph session ... . Uh .. can ranhängen minute
As I said - it was not the fours!
But enough complaining - because the dinner was simply great and therefore I will not finish my report moan moan with or, but with the proposition that we formally returns are floated to the hotel, because once again an incredibly beautiful evening concert was behind us and to bring it again with a song line conclusion:
... because I know nothing in this world where I'd rather ... :)
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