We have just arrived in the hotel room :)
The trip to Stuttgart (over 550 km) was exhausting, but much better than I had imagined in my dreams before Horror! The streets were relatively free and even if we had a zwischedurch klitzkleines, eeeeetwas frightening mop water problem, which we thank God at the next gas station with a little sun and patience could not solve. Then we came forward really well.
My running mate, had even time to surf in between ...
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Who the f * ck needs an iPhone:))) | |
arrival in Stuttgart, we are like magic, by some inexplicable coincidence and nat ürlich all came by accident at the Si center over and have very spontaneously decided views on the card for Dance of the Vampires ask - So today is a spontaneous musical visit inserted. Eiiiiigentlich we are only because of the weather today went to Stuttgart to tomorrow in time to stand in the "Musical Tenors" at the Philharmonic mat.
So - now we must first look for something to eat: HUUUUUNGER!
tbc ...
Day 2 in Stuttgart
We will get back fairly well rested!
knowledge: microwave food tastes absolutely bääääh!
Otherwise, we are waiting for a friend who was supposed to arrive at this time in Stuttgart train station. Your train was late and so, of course, but can it last until it is finally here. Hopefully it works the whole story. But yes a lot of time to 19 clock (4.5 hours to gooooo ^ ^) is.
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