Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Nordic Gingerbread Pan Recipe

General: writer's block

I think every author the problem of writer's block is to know and fear it too. The writer's block (also called "Writer's block" or simply "block" called) continue to conduct regular prevented a story. I had to fight himself too often with this problem. Especially with stories in which one has put their heart and soul, the block may have depressive episodes.

to overcome a block is not always easy, but it is not impossible. What is the exact reason for a block, I can not say myself - I just do not know. I really do not know what this invisible barrier creates.
However, there are various means to tear at it again. What you should NOT do this is to try to fight with all their might against it (I made it very bad experiences). Here is some advice:
- Have no objections or concerns about it. It is not what you wear guilt. You see the problem not as a drama of, but it goes on logically and with a cool head.
- switches off again. Just makes the computer and do something to relax you. Writing can, even if it operates as a hobby, his hard work. Let Soothe the legs and possibly write times a day (or several days) no more of the story.
- hear a little music. If you do not hear anyway Besides writing music, it will turn now. Music can be a wonderful source of inspiration (a little tip from me: I do it so often that I leave in my mind is something like a movie in my head. the story of a film and I am counting on the music I just heard together a kind of music video. Thus, new scenes, a good source of ideas can be. Of course, the scenes do not appear in the final version of the story, it serves just as a small source of ideas for the further course of history).
- away from the computer. If you like playing video games, you stuck in front of the console and ripped again ne decent round (can work wonders). Or check out a movie or a series like about the it. Or lie down on the bed and takes a nap. may be simply some time away from the computer can also be very helpful.
- get yourself a cup of coffee (or anything else which you like) possibly a bite to eat, sit down before your story and while you drink and eat, you read the previously written by you (even if only the last few paragraphs / pages). This is also a good chance of spelling errors to improve from.
- the smokers among you, go to the balcony and smoke a! Harms of inspiration not for sure. But the Non smoking should simply just grab some fresh air. If you have no balcony: go out the door. Especially at night can be very refreshing (not extra thick wear it, even if it's cold outside! Cold can have a very invigorating effect. But makes sure that not too long you stay out there and ill will).
- if you have an animal, take it easy sometimes and spend a few minutes with him (I did my longest work written in part with my guinea pig on the Schos, a few lines written, pig caressing, a few lines written, pork stroked ...).
- should you have you can concentrate well, let's run the telly. Then you can settle in the middle of writing sometimes distracted easily and make short, then what help it may well not even come to a block (I could always write very well when the worst cheap-ham ran by the side - you can find on Fridays and Saturdays, from twelve clock usually on Pro7).

Now here is another hint that the effects of prolonged blockade may also be useful to you: write a short story!
I had something for this purpose started what I had dubbed the "Song Story" series. And I've taken a song and the lyric a little "studied". Then I wrote the lyrics to a story. However, I have set myself to a page limit of 15 DIN A4 pages. Such a thing is written rather quickly, if a song takes you to the moment like a lot. It is really fast (something you can easily manage in a day), nothing is really "serious" and can still help very well to get rid of the blockade.

course, a blockade, the end a story mean. If it will not go on anymore, then it is not easy. Perhaps it is later the inspiration again, and you can start maybe two-three weeks later on the story.
you should you but in no case in such a case to force the story to write. If something comes under pressure, especially when the pressure is created by oneself, it's never as good as something that was created out of inspiration. REMEMBER that! A story should be what you are creating something of their own free will and the unfolding, the bigger it is - not what has ended because someone thought it would be.

Supplement from NTL:
- read on another site. For me a block occurs sometimes simply because a scene I just do not get down on paper (or not as I imagine). It helps sometimes to a later point in the story go and write a scene you may already have weeks or months (or in my case perhaps for years) in the head.


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